Sunday, November 18, 2012

Reflection #1 Keep going~

Before going to bed, it is time to do a reflection. 

I believe an important source of improving is to look back and think about what you did and what you thought during the daytime. So reflection will help us mature and keep on reflecting is a great way to kick away the yellw pig. One great philosopher Tseng once said:

Each day I examine myself in three ways: in doing things for others, have I been disloyal? In my interactions with friends, have I been untrustworthy? Have not practiced what I have preached?

Tseng One great philosopher in China. He is a student of  Confucius and  is credited with having authored a large portion of the Great Learning, including its foreword. Zengzi's disciples are believed to have been among the most important compilers of the Analects of Confucius and other Confucian classics. (from wikipedia. Photo from Internet)
And I may also examine myself in three ways: in doing things, have I been active and grasped the opportunity? In my interaction with people, have I been brave enough to express my unique voice? In the way of chasing my dream, have I keep faith and havn't waste too much time? Aha, maybe not so strict, just a reflection.

This morning, I made a phone call to my parents. After hearing my busy situation and dim view of application, they worried a lot and encouraged me to taken the offer of NUS. But how can I give up in this pivotal point? The last three years, I spent so much time in taking all kinds of test and overcame various difficulties in order to fulfill my "American Dream", how can I relax at the very end? I know they said those words out of love and they do not want me be too far away from home, but if I still study in China (or Singapore), I would feel that my life and even future are confined. So,sorry mom, sorry dad!

Chasing dream. (Photo from Internet)
Anyway, tomorrow is another day, a busy paper-work day. But just enjoy it, because you are on the way of chasing dream and to some extent, you are in charging you life. It feels good!!

Smile. Give myself a smile. Looking forward to the new day! (photo from Internet)

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